Monday, January 31, 2011

PRESS RELEASE - People Living in Beong Kak Development Area

Nation Religion King
Phnom Penh Capital Hall
Phnom Penh, December 21, 2010

Boeung Kak Natural Lake covers a 133 ha (including water surface and its surrounding land areas), of which about 104 ha is lake surface, located in Sangkat Srah Chak, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh. From 1987 – 1988, this area was under the administration of Municipal People’s Revolution Committee in Phnom Penh (Currently known as Phnom Penh Capital Hall), and there were no people yet at that time. Since 1993, people had gradually illegally occupied and built shelters without proper construction plans, causing Boeung Kak area to be anarchical.

In late 2003, with support from the Embassy of France, the Municipality of Phnom Penh (Phnom Penh Capital Hall at present) organized a competition to select Boeung Kak Model Development Plan, participated by all relevant agencies. Resulting from this initiative, the Royal Government of Cambodia, in 2003, authorized Shukaku Inc. Company to develop this area to be a commercial, cultural, tourism, housing, and resort hub, along with infrastructure development such as roads, drainage system, green space and amusement parks deserving to be a Pearl City as it has been known before.

The compensation policy takes 3 approaches for each house: 1st Option: Providing 8,000 USD and 2 Million Riels, 2nd Option: Providing a (4m x 12m) flat in Khan Dangkor with 2 Million Riels and 3rd Option: On-site development—people are requested to temporary stay in a designated places prepared by the Capital Hall and wait for the construction work to be finished, using similar style buildings at Bory Keila. As a result, about 2,000 households have voluntarily accepted compensation policy of the Royal Government. However, for people, living in the surrounding areas outside Lake Surface, there will be discussions after the Master Plan of Shukaku Inc. Company gets approval from the Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC).
Stemming from good and admirable gesture for cooperation and understanding among local people in Village 2 and 4 of approximately 2,000 families who voluntarily choose to accept this compensation policy, Phnom Penh Capital Hall appeals to other families living in Boeung Kak Development Zone not to be deceived by a handful of opportunists and to immediately contact with Boeung Kak Development Committee to get one among the three options in order to facilitate the next step development process to be more successfully complying with the development policies of the Royal Government.

Phnom Penh Capital Hall
All media “for broadcasting”


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